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* Estelle welcomes you at the Essences & Corps Center *

During the first session, we take the time to discuss the reasons for your coming (stress, insomnia, physical and mental pain, etc.)

Then, on the massage table, I proceed to a global and complete "reading" of your feet making the link with our exchanges and your person.

Comfortably installed, dare to let yourself be carried away to a deep relaxation thanks to the personalized reflexology massage (more details here )

Estelle accompanies you with all her vibrations to create a movement necessary for your well-being.

Pour les personnes à mobilité réduite, Estelle se déplace dans un rayon de 20km autour de la Bruffière.

Le suivi en réflexologie ne dispense en cas des consultations médicales.

Thérapie réflexologie
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